PVC pipe uses:
U-PVC or PVC pipes are usually used for plumbing and drainage. PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride and has become a common alternative to metal piping. PVC’s strength, durability, easy installation, and low cost have made it one of the most widely used plastics in the world.
What is the meaning of PVC?
Polyvinyl chloride is an artificial thermoplastic material that is made by vinyl chloride polymerization. Its properties depend on the plasticity of the additives. Flexible forms are used in hoses, insulation, shoes, clothing, etc. Hard PVCs are used in mold production.
What is PVC compound of?
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a widely used plastic that contains carbon, hydrogen and chlorine. This plastic is produced by polymerization. The molecules of vinyl chloride monomers are combined with polyvinyl chloride to create long chain molecules.
Why do we use PVC pipes?
PVC pipes are strong and durable and easy to install, and when they finally reach the end of their useful life, they can be recycled and turned into new PVC pipes. As a result, PVC pipe systems are very cost effective. Until the late 1990s, lead-based temperature stabilizers were widely utilized to manufacture PVC pipes.
Types of PVC pipes
There are eight basic types of plastic pipes:
- Solid wall pipe
• Structured wall pipe
• Barrier pipe
• ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
• UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride)
• CPVC (post chlorinated polyvinyl chloride)
• PB-1 (polybutylene)
• PP (polypropylene)
How long is the useful life of PVC pipes?
The life expectancy of PVC pipes is 50 to 70 years, although some data provided by manufacturers of plastic pipes indicate a lifespan of more than 100 years for these materials, since they have been using from 1970 in the United States, they seem to be very young to determine a more accurate lifespan.
However, it has been well documented that sunlight weakens the PVC pipe and shortens its life, making it brittle and results in their fragility against blow. Some PVCs with additives such as titanium reduce, not eliminate, the damage caused by sun’s UV rays. Since PVCs are often buried in the ground for watering or drainage, sunlight does not pose a problem in such applications. But manufacturers in order to protect recommend covering PVC pipes in outdoor areas exposed to sunlight with bright, plastic-friendly paint.
How much is the temperature tolerance range for PVC pipes?
PVC pipes in the temperature range from 20℃ to the maximum recommended operating temperature of 60℃ work properly – PVC pressure pipes are to resist internal pressure with a temperature of 20℃. At temperatures above 20℃, the maximum allowable operating pressure must be reduced according to the resistance of the material. However, PVC pipes often operate at lower temperatures or in colder weather, or in uses including the transfer of cold liquids to the degree less than 0℃.
Advantages of PVC pipes
PVC is a type of plastic used in sewer lines. Modern sewage pipes are mostly made of plastic. The contractors realized that PVC has numerous benefits, which is why they have use PVC as one of the main materials for creating sewage pipes. Some of the benefits of PVC are summarized as follows:
- Easy transportation and installation
- Corrosion resistance
- Less joint connections
Golpayegan Loole Gostar manufacturer of PVC and U-PVC pipes and fittings (starting from size 20 to size 315)
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