Manufacturer of uPVC Pipes, Fittings and Polyethylene



Talash St., Sanat Blvd., Industrial Town, Golpayegan, Isfahan, Iran

 Postal code: 8787133376

Phone Number: +98 31 57 999


If you know the extension of the party you are trying to reach, you may dial it.

  • To reach Sales department, press 1.
  • To fax, press 2.
  • To connect to our office in Tehran, press 3.
  • To speak to Accounting Department, press 4.
  • If you would like to speak to public relation agent, press 5.
  • To reach human resources, press 6.
  • To speak to management, press 7.


SMS system: +98 30004590

Tehran office:

Unit 2, 2nd Floor, No. 4, West 35th Alley, Sarrafha St., Darya Boulevard, Saadat Abad, Tehran, Iran

Tehran office number: +98 21 886 96902